All About Bling













July  18

Thunder in the Valley - Blairmore



July 25

Farmers Market

Exhibition Pavillion

8: 00-12:30




August 1

Farmers Market

Exhibition Pavillion

8: 00-12:30


August 15

Farmers Market

Exhibition Pavillion

8: 00-12:30



August 29

Taber Cornfest Trade Show

at the Arena


September 5

Farmers Market

Exhibition Pavillion

8: 00-12:30

September 19

Farmers Market

Exhibition Pavillion

8: 00-12:30



September 25 & 26

Lethbridge Regional Hospital - Atrium

Sept 25 - 8:00-4:00

Sept 26 12:00 - 4:00

October 3


Farmers Market

Exhibition Pavillion

8: 00-12:30

October 17

Farmers Market

Exhibition Pavillion

8: 00-12:30

October 31

Farmers Market

Exhibition Pavillion

8: 00-12:30


October 23 & 24

Lethbridge Regional Hospital - Atrium

October  23 - 8:00-4:00

October 24 -12:00 - 4:00


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